Academic Writing


"A Conversation with Sianne Ngai and Joshua Clover" (co-authored with Veronica Davis and Carson Welch). Polygraph: An International Journal of Culture and Politics 29 (2024), pp.13-38.

"Introduction: Narrative and Crisis" (co-authored with Veronica Davis and Carson Welch). Polygraph: An International Journal of Culture and Politics 29 (2024), pp.1-12.

“Cultivating History: Sergei Eisenstein’s The General Line and the Cinema of Agrarian Transition.” Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture 45.1-2 (2023), pp. 138-169.

Book Reviews

“Review of Cured Quail Volume II.” Marx & Philosophy Review of Books (2021).

“The Geography of Crisis” (Review of Phil A. Neel’s Hinterland: America’s New Landscape of Class and Conflict). Polygraph: An International Journal of Culture and Politics 28 (2020), pp. 203-213.


“Situationism, Cybernetics, and Art: A Conversation” (Interview with Dominique Routhier). e-flux (2024).

“Mention: The Terminal Bar (Larry Mitchell, 1982).” The Drift 12 (2024), p. 186.

“The Traveller — On Robert Kramer.” Sidecar (New Left Review) (2023).

“Slow Moves: Jon Jost at the End.” No Cinema! (2021).

"Forms of Memory: Close-Up on Chris Marker's Level Five." MUBI Notebook (2017).

"As If Their Light Could Define Us: Jean Louis Schefer's The Ordinary Man of Cinema." MUBI Notebook (2016).

"Thom Andersen and Noël Burch's Red Hollywood." Film Comment Blog (2014).

"Masao Adachi: Conceiving Urban Landscape." Film Antidote: a cinematic cure (2014).